Andrew Dahley

Product Leader, Designer, Advisor, and Consultant 

Andy is an adept product, and design leader with 20+ years of experience in tech. He helps companies take their products to new levels of user value and profit – by improving their current products and generating new product opportunities and growth. 

His superpower is the ability to quickly understand and apply complex new ideas and technologies and lead teams to generate new and better solutions. He has experience in a wide range of technologies including AI, AR, VR, IoT, video communication, and voice, with a few patents across. He has worked on both Consumer and Enterprise products across several industries including internet, healthcare, automotive, and office furniture.

He will help you make your product better.

Let’s chat.

Project Highlights

Magic Eraser (on google phones 2023)

Google launched my team’s idea Magic Eraser. They launched and promoted it with a Super Bowl commercial in 2023.  Props to all the teams and effort to make it work in product from our initial concept and tech demo,  a testament to xfn design and dev teams. We demonstrated the magical but hard use case of removing photo bombers and other unwanted  people and things that screw up your photos. A solid large scale launch validating my process and approach to matching design and tech. [ Google Blog | TheVerge | 9to5 Google | TechCrunch ]



Design & Product

Product strategy

Design & creative direction

Run outsourced design projects

Design sprints

Generate concepts

Rapid Prototyping

Software & hardware prototypes

Prototyping processes & strategies

Run outsourced prototype projects

Team Development

Recruit & hire talented designers 

Evaluate vendors

Build your companies design processes 

Coach & mentor designers

Our Approach

  1. Quickly learn your company,  business, and tech 

  2. Understand users’ needs & goals

  3. Generate & evaluate opportunities 

  4. Rapidly prototype, test, and evaluate solutions

  5. No fluff or bullshit